
Ishbel Angus is a Fine Artist and creates immersive installations through painting as they reconfigure space. She invites the viewer to question what space they exist in when looking at her work. How did you get here? And how can you leave? These create uneasy atmospheres, speaking to the uncanny. She expands her practice through technology such as video projection and A.I. enhanced animation. These 'shifts' of perception relate to constant evolutions of technology and they synergise this with traditional painting. They take inspiration from the dramatic use of chiaroscuro, which is highly theatrical. As a result, her paintings themselves become the performance and through curation, she becomes an architect of painting. Sci-fi also acts an influence in its exploration of the sublime - transported and paralleled into our own realities. Ishbel is visually inspired particularly from ‘old-school’ 80s films, for instance ‘Flight of the Navigator’. Their interest lies in superimposed qualities and the collaging between physical realities and digital ones is an important aesthetic in her work. There is at once a sense of graphic flatness in planes of colours and hyperreal depth in the detailed paint application. The CGI ‘fake-ness’ in these films fascinates her and adds a sense of falseness to their own work. Ishbel also examines the philosophies of 'Hauntology' in relation to trauma and her own practice, as well as 'Object-Oriented Ontology' through their unusual portraiture.